Summer Reading: Read all 40 words on the Dolch PrePrimer Sight Word List. You will find the list by accessing our first grade website, Students need to practice being able to instantly and confidently read words from the Sign Word List. They need to use these words in various activities during the first few weeks of school.
Summer Math: Count and identify numbers 0-20. Count by fives and tens to 100 and by twos to 20. Identify and name pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Identify the 12 numbers on a clock and practice telling time to the hour. Name the 4 seasons, 12 months, and 7 days. Practice basic math facts to 10. Practice tying shoe with 3 step directions.
Summer Reading Challenge: Complete each square in your challenge grid (parents initial completed squares). Complete only one square at a time. For example, one book cannot be counted for more than one square. Bring your completed challenge grid to the library anytime during the first week of school. Completed challenges will receive a fun PRIZE! Have a fantastic summer. Don’t forget to read, read, read!
Summer Reading: Dear Dragon: A Pen Pal Tale by Josh Funk (ISBN-13# 9780451472304). Students should be prepared to retell the story.
Summer Math: Master addition facts with sums to ten and be familiar with subtraction facts. Students will take timed tests beginning with easy addition during the first few weeks of 2nd grade. Students can practice using the app Rocket Math Addition (Rocket Math, LLC).
Summer Reading Challenge: Complete each square in your challenge grid (parents initial completed squares). Complete only one square at a time. For example, one book cannot be counted for more than one square. Bring your completed challenge grid to the library anytime during the first week of school. Completed challenges will receive a fun PRIZE! Have a fantastic summer. Don’t forget to read, read, read!
Summer Reading:
How to Be Cool in the Third Grade by Betsy Duffey (ISBN 9780141304663)
After reading this book over the summer, students need to be prepared to do a project the first week of school involving story elements of title, author, character, setting and summary.
Summer Math: Master addition and subtraction facts to sums of 20. Students will take timed tests the first few weeks of school.
Summer Reading Challenge: Complete each square in your challenge grid (parents initial completed squares). Complete only one square at a time. For example, one book cannot be counted for more than one square. Bring your completed challenge grid to the library anytime during the first week of school. Completed challenges will receive a fun PRIZE! Have a fantastic summer. Don’t forget to read, read, read!
Summer Reading: Read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume (ISBN#9780142408810). Students need to be prepared to take an AR test, write a book report and illustrate a scene from the book in class.
Challenge Book (optional) – Secret School by Avi (ISBN#9780152046996)
Please feel free to visit the Fourth Grade website,
Summer Math: This summer you will practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. Please return the 4 math pages the first week of school. It is so important to have all of your math facts memorized. Flashcards are a great tool to help with memorization. The 4th grade website,, has math fact websites, as well as skill sheets.
Summer Reading Challenge: Complete each square in your challenge grid (parents initial completed squares). Complete only one square at a time. For example, one book cannot be counted for more than one square. Bring your completed challenge grid to the library anytime during the first week of school. Completed challenges will receive a fun PRIZE! Have a fantastic summer. Don’t forget to read, read, read!