Let us love one another, for love comes from God
1 John 4:7
Thank you for your interest in CCS Second Grade! Our team includes Ms. Emma Emory, Mrs. Danielle McNeely, Mrs. Randi Mitchell, and Mrs. Julie Thornton. It is our desire to see students excel academically, emotionally and spiritually. We work together to impart the Word of God and the life of God into our students. We want to see young people on fire for God, fully committed to fulfilling God’s purpose on this Earth.
Second grade is an exciting time for children, as their cognitive abilities further open up the world of learning. More in-depth than kindergarten or first grade, students are able to start applying the skills that they have been learning to more challenging tasks. When you approach the 2nd grade hallway, you are greeted with “Let us love one another, for love comes from God,” (1 John 4:7). This verse is included in one of three Scripture passages we memorize throughout the year.
It is a fitting daily reminder as second graders are developmentally progressing from the “me centered” (egocentric) age where children perceive that everything revolves around them into an age that has the capacity for self-evaluation and reflection. Second grade students can now begin to “own” the idea that God has made each of us with special gifts and talents.
Being accepted by friends becomes even more important at this age. This strong desire (as we all know) can sometimes cause internal conflicts. We focus our classroom discussions to reflect the belief that God’s Word provides the answers we need to such issues as honesty, obedience, respect for self and others, and self-esteem. Personal responsibility and organizational skills will also be stressed daily as we will strive to honor God through excellence.
Second Grade units of study include: Living Things Vertebrates/Invertebrates, Energy, Light & Heat, Geography of North and South America, United States Constitution, War of 1812, Westward Expansion, Immigration and Citizenship, Civil War, Civil Rights, Ancient China, India, Greece and Modern Japan. To keep students actively engaged in learning, students will be taught by all 2nd grade teachers as they rotate to each classroom for Science, Social Studies, Geography and Extensions.
During the year, students also create at-home projects such as Book Report Bags, Westward Expansion teepees and covered wagons, Compassionate Hearts service projects, and Piano keyboard projects. Other fun events include field trips to the Harn Homestead and Super Cao Nguyen Asian Market, as well as our Chuck Wagon Feast and Greek Festival.
Please visit our webpage at for additional information about our grade level including our parent blog updated each Friday to keep families informed of weekly objectives and events!