Kindergarten classes at CCS are filled with love, joy and learning. Every precious child is valued as a true child of God.
Reading Readiness is a big focus for our Kindergartners. We use a strong mix of Saxon phonics, trade books, listening comprehension, ‘Handwriting Without Tears’ and creative writing with inventive spelling. An excellent math foundation is formed through centers using manipulatives and a rigorous workbook provided by Purposeful Design. All themes align with our school wide scope and sequence, known as Core Knowledge. Our themes are filled with excitement and fun. It is a joy and privilege to have the opportunity to introduce everything through God’s view. It is an absolute blessing to experience His children as they discover God’s amazing world.
As the year unfolds, the love God pours over each child is simply contagious. We are crazy about Kindergarten and the children He shares with us.
In His Service,
Andrea Brewster
Kristen Case
Patty Kennedy
Allison Metcalf
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